Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Financial Aid Office (DeFAO) is an office domiciled under Registrar, Academic Affairs & Research. Its main responsibility is to guide and support students with financial challenges.
Through DeFAO, DeKUT endeavors to enhance and diversify sources of funds to support needy students and ensure that such students continue with their studies uninterrupted.
Who is eligible for DeFAO Support?
- Any DeKUT student who is unable to fully finance her/his university education in a given semester.
What is a student expected to do?
- A student is expected to visit DeFAO for an in-person consultation. Alternatively, a student can seek advice through this email address
- Normally, a student will be advised to apply for financial support. The application procedure is shown below.
Application Procedure
Step I: Application
- A student applies for support using DeFAO Financial Needs Assessment Form (To be provided in DeFAO)
Step II: Verification of documents and information provided
- DeFAO will verify the details provided in the Financial Needs Assessment Form and provide feedback to the applicant – i.e., whether the application was successful or not.
- If not successful, the applicant will be advised accordingly.
Step III: Successful Applications
- Successful applicants are advised on the level of support to be offered. The approval will be based on the assessed level of need.
- An applicant will be awarded applicable support, subject to availability of funds and/or opportunities, i.e., work-study.
Step IV: Monitoring and Support
- DeFAO will regularly monitor all applicants irrespective of the outcomes or observations made under Step II. The aim is to ensure that all students succeed in their studies.
Student's Responsibility
It is the students' responsibility to seek support to provide correct information/documentary evidence for assessment. Provision of incorrect information will attract stiff penalties, which include but not limited to disciplinary action and denial of future support.
For more information:
Office Number: 0794461607
Email address: